
A Religious Sister “Perfect setting for our Chapter”
Facilities “Congratulations on the spectacular renovations and refurbishment work. Every place is so beautiful, bright, and comfortable.. I am sure that Sr Margaret Mary and the other sisters from old times are smiling with delight at all that has been accomplished”

Hospitality “your kindness and thoughtfulness are wonderful blessings”
“the place is just beautiful- the result of all the hard work and creative planning that has made it the treasure it is today. Well Done”
“a beautiful house and centre, exquisitely feminine and homely”
School Retreat “thanks for opening your retreat house to us we had a lovely time..perfect place for a retreat”
Clergy retreat “ Thank you for the wonderful facilities you provided for the clergy retreat, it was much appreciated and I had a great Retreat”
Parish Retreat “ I don’t think you realise the work you do and that women like myself find great peace”
“Put our names down for next year!”
Summer retreat ”It is indeed a beautiful and well ordered Retreat House and I found the whole atmosphere pleasant , peaceful and inspiring, so I came away greatly refreshed in every way”
"We are humbled by your kindness and spirituality”
Music evenings “ Privileged to be present at an unforgettable evening “
“May Gods blessing be on you and on all who come to Drumalis, and on all the wonderful work that goes on there”
Thomas Moore Retreat Giver “ I value so much what you are doing and the grace and style with which you are doing it... you are visionary, open and engaging”
The offerings at Drumalis are multilayered and infused with love mystery and awesome energy..I was inspired..
Advent Retreatant.” Ireally believe you have worked a miracle with Gods Blessing for ecumenics in the Province, but most of all shown Gods love in action to all individuals who are fortunate enough to visit..
Donors Local Group We wanted to recognise and support something that is good in our local community and Drumalis fits the bill. The work you have done not only with the fabulous building and renovation work carried out but also in the hearts and minds of the local community opening up such a marvellous facility for all to enjoy is to be commended and we would be most grateful if you would accept this donation for your building fund.”
“I Keep the lovely wooden cross from Drumalis which I got during my Lenten Retreat as a reminder of the truths God led me to at Drumalis”