About Us

Drumalis is a place of welcome,
an oasis on the journey of life.
A living community where all
Experience the power of God's love and compassion
Discover and value their gifts
Seek to be healers in a divided world
Grow in their relationship with God and all creation
We draw life and strength from sharing and prayer.

Adult Faith Development Courses
Pathways; Certificate in Christian Thought; Diploma in Pastoral Theology Growth in Prayer and Reflective Living; Short Courses: Public Theology, Study Days on the Gospels; Male Spirituality; Movie Evenings; Spiritual Book Group
Retreats Planned for 2019
Parish Weekend Retreats
Individually Guided Retreats
Preached Retreats
Creation Spirituality Retreat
Advent Retreat
Seasonal Events
Annual Spring Environmental Conference
Easter Monday Open Day
Festive Musical Evenings
For further information or a full programme of events, please contact Drumalis - 47 Glenarm Road, Larne, County Antrim, BT40 1DT - by telephone - 028 2827 2196 / 2827 6455 or by email - drumalis@btconnect.com or
keep up-to-date on the website: