Welcome To Drumalis
An Oasis On The Journey Of Life
A number of events will take place during Lent Dr Gráinne Doherty will lead “See, I’m doing something new”, a Lenten renewing on Saturday, 22 March from 9:30 am – 4 pm and Fr Aidan Troy CP will lead a day of prayer and reflection entitled “The Passion Story: “A Work of Infinite Love” on Saturday, 12 April from 9:30 am - 4 pm) As part of the Pathways Adult Faith Development course, Sean Goan will lead a day on the theme of “The Passion Story - “The Passion of Jesus is a work of infinite love” - St Paul of the Cross” on Saturday, 5 April from 9:30 am – 4 pm. We are opening the day to anyone else who might be interested – the cost is £40 and includes refreshments and lunch.
“A Pilgrimage of Hope” is the theme of this year’s Holy Week Retreat from 17-20 April led by a joint team from Drumalis & Belfast Jesuit Centre, offered on a residential or non-residential basis.
Bookings are also open for retreats this summer including a Guided Retreat “Walking Together… Communal Presence” with Sr Joann Heinritz CSJ from 23-29 June and two sets of Directed Retreats in June-July and in August.
Further details about the above events can be found under “Events at Drumalis” below or by contacting Drumalis – 028 28272196/28276455 (during office hours, Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm or by emailing drumalis@btconnect.com
You may be eligible for grant funding towards your retreat through the Society of Retreat Conductors – retreats which they could support are the Holy Week Retreat, Directed Retreats
and Guided Retreat with Sr Joann Heinritz CSJ. Please contact the SRC directly for further details – redingtonkathy@hotmail.com or 07979157603.

About Drumalis
Drumalis is a retreat centre in Larne, County Antrim owned and managed by the Sisters of the Cross and Passion. The ministry of the house is one of reconciliation and nurturing. The resident Sisters offer an organised programme of retreats and workshops. When not wholly used for retreat purposes, the facilities at Drumalis provide an excellent venue for groups to organise their own events.
The Centre is owned and run by the Sisters of the Cross and Passion, a congregation of Religious Sisters founded in Manchester in 1852 by Elizabeth Prout who became known as Mother Mary Joseph.

Events at Drumalis

Parish Leadership and self development courses at Drumalis Retreat Centre,
Larne, Northern Ireland

Adult Faith Development